
Sirine Fattouh

Sirine Fattouh’s intervention consists of a series of fake cancellations of cultural and artistic events on the day of their occurrence due to “the current circumstances”. Inspired by her research on the archive of L’Orient Le Jour, the artist repeats a phrase that appeared heavily in the newspaper during April 1975 when the civil war broke out in Lebanon, causing events to be cancelled due to “the current circumstances”. Blurring temporal references and speaking directly to the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, especially the wars in Syria, the artist employs an “artivist” approach by attempting to disturb readers with announcements of cancellations of performances, openings, yoga classes, and the closing down of museums and art centers.

Date: 2016
Location: Daily Local Newspaper / L'Orient Le Jour
Medium: Publication
Material: N/A
Section: Contemporary
Duration: Ephemeral
Tags: Site-specific intervention
Framework: Works on Paper
Authorizations: L'Orient Le Jour
Commissioner: TAP & APEAL