Shameless transmission of desired transformations per day

Mahmoud Hojeij

The work addresses the sexual surveillance of single women in Beirut. In the form of a mockumentary, it follows the operations of a fictional moral police that inspects parked cars, arrests couples having sex, and forces young women to report in detail their sexual activities. These confessions are interspersed with scenes of police investigation by a local chief wearing fins, and sexist remarks by a grocer comparing women to fruit. The video explores the conflicts of a generation stuck between sexual liberation and authoritarian repression, as it exposes the social surveillance within everyday life in Beirut.

Date: 2000
Location: Hamra
Medium: Installation
Material: Video
Section: Contemporary
Duration: Temporary
Tags: Displayed in public
Framework: Hamra Street Project
Authorizations: Municipality of Beirut
Commissioner: Ashkal Alwan