Borderline Redevelopment Disorder

Laura Yuile

I became interested in the material aspects and implications of the industrial site, and produced this Borderline Redevelopment Disorder, which takes the borders of this site – and the intersections between the industrial site and surrounding forest – as a framework for considering boundaries between life and death; the natural and unnatural; product and by-product; the material and so-called ‘immaterial’; and the act of defining that which we cannot fully comprehend. I was interested in opening up some of the immediate issues surrounding this local context to wider global concerns, developments and potential futures.

Date: 2014
Location: Meziara
Medium: Installation
Material: Film
Section: Contemporary
Duration: Temporary
Tags: Participatory art
Framework: Meziara International Artists Residency
Authorizations: The Municipality of Meziara
Commissioner: Artist-led initiative